SellviaApp API


The SellviaApp API allows seamless communication with the mobile application, offering a simple yet secure integration experience.
With this API, you can effortlessly manage your clients, articles, categories, and other crucial data for the mobile application.


The SellviaApp API provides the following capabilities:

  • Manage clients
  • Manage articles
  • Manage categories
  • Manage other important data for the mobile application

Useful dashboard for developers

We have set up an interface accessible via which helps both end users and developers.
In fact, thanks to this dashboard, the developer responsible for communicating with the mobile application via the API can verify the validity of maintenance queries since all the data is visible on the dashboard.

The developer is not required to use and test the mobile application to see the executed queries.


An API key is required to access the SellviaApp API.
This key is provided in the user interface after account creation. Please ensure you keep this key secure, as it is essential for authenticating your API requests.