API Key Authentication


All API requests require an API key (`apikey`) for authentication. The API key must be included as a query parameter in each request.

How to Obtain an API Key

An API key is generated and provided to you when you create an account. To create an account and obtain your API key, please visit the following link:

Create an Account

Using the API Key

Include the API key in your request as a query parameter. Below is an example of how to include the `apikey` parameter in your API requests.

GET /api/endpoint?apikey=your_api_key&other_param=value

Example Request

GET /product/list?apikey=your_api_key&guid=12345&id_membre=678&from_other_page=IS_PROMOTION&rechercher_mot_cle=tools&limit=20&page=1&tri_listing_article=alpha

Error Handling

If the API key is missing or invalid, the response will contain an error message.

    "success": false,
    "message": "Invalid API key"


Keep your API key secure. Do not share it publicly or expose it in client-side code. If you believe your API key has been compromised, regenerate it immediately from your account settings.