Update Document Line

API to update a line in an existing document.






Name Type Required Description
guid String Yes GUID of the document.
line_guid String Yes GUID of the document line.
doc_type String Yes Type of the document (e.g., invoice, estimate, purchase_order).
text String No Description of the line item.
unit_price Float No Unit price of the line item.
quantity Integer No Quantity of the line item.
discount_percentage Float No Discount percentage for the line item.
discount_amount Float No Discount amount for the line item.
vat_rate Float No VAT rate for the line item.
packages Integer No Number of packages for the line item.

Success Response

    "success": true,
    "message": "Document line updated successfully"

Error Response

    "success": false,
    "message": "Error message"

Example Request

GET /documentline/update?guid=example-guid&line_guid=example-line-guid&doc_type=invoice&text=Updated+Description&unit_price=20.50&quantity=3&discount_percentage=10&discount_amount=2&vat_rate=21&packages=2