API Documentation - Order Line List


GET /orderline/list


The following parameters can be included in the request:

Parameter Type Description Required
guid string The GUID of the order Yes
champstraduit string The translated field to use in the response No
rechercher_mot_cle string Keyword to search for in product descriptions No
check_panier string If "yes", checks the cart for product IDs No


The response is a JSON object containing the following fields:

    "success": "true or false",
    "message": "Description of the response",
    "result": {
        "order": [
                "guid": "GUID of the order line",
                "champsLangueAutiliser": "Translated field value",
                "product": "Product description",
                "quantity": "Quantity of the product",
                "unitePrice": "Unit price of the product",
                "qtyByBox": "Quantity per box",
                "unite": "Unit of measurement",
                "title": "Product title",
                "id_produit_mysql": "Product ID in MySQL",
                "arcleunik": "Product unique code",
                "totalLine": "Total price for the line",
                "taxeRate": "Tax rate",
                "date": "Date added",
                "hour": "Hour added",
                "photo1_base64": "Base64 encoded photo",
                "code_article": "Product code"
            // Additional order line items

Error Handling

If an error occurs, the response will contain the following fields:

    "success": "false",
    "message": "Error description"

Example Request

GET /orderline/list?guid=unique-guid-12345&champstraduit=description&rechercher_mot_cle=example&check_panier=no

Example Response

    "success": true,
    "message": "ORDERLINE List",
    "result": {
        "order": [
                "guid": "unique-guid-12345",
                "champsLangueAutiliser": "Example translated field",
                "product": "Example product",
                "quantity": 2,
                "unitePrice": 100.00,
                "qtyByBox": 1,
                "unite": "piece",
                "title": "Example product title",
                "id_produit_mysql": 1,
                "arcleunik": "unique-code-12345",
                "totalLine": 200.00,
                "taxeRate": 20,
                "date": "2024-06-07",
                "hour": "14:30",
                "photo1_base64": "base64encodedstring",
                "code_article": "example-code"