API Documentation - Add Customer


POST /customer/add


The following parameters must be included in the request:

Parameter Type Description Required
nom string The last name of the user Yes
prenom string The first name of the user Yes
email string The email address of the user Yes
denomination string The denomination of the user Yes
password string The password for the user's account Yes
megatech_GPR_No string Group number for megatech. Default is "01" No
is_guest int Indicates if the user is a guest. Default is "0" No
afficher_prix int Indicates if the price should be displayed. Default is "1" No
actif int Indicates if the user account is active. Default is "1" No
langue string The language preference of the user No


The response is a JSON object containing the following fields:

    "success": "true or false",
    "message": "Description of the response",
    "result": {
        "customer": [
                "login": "User login",
                "password": "User password"

Error Handling

If an error occurs, the response will contain the following fields:

    "success": "false",
    "message": "Error description"

Example Request

POST /user/add
Content-Type: application/json

    "nom": "Doe",
    "prenom": "John",
    "email": "john.doe@example.com",
    "denomination": "Mr",
    "password": "securepassword",
    "langue": "en"

Example Response

    "success": true,
    "message": "success",
    "result": {
        "customer": [
                "login": "johndoe",
                "password": "securepassword"