API Documentation - Update Famille 2


GET /fam2/update/


The following query parameters are required in the request:

  • id: The unique identifier of the Famille 2 to update.
  • Famille_Nom: The name of the Famille.
  • Fam_Libellés: Label 1 of the Famille.
  • Fam_Libellés_2: Label 2 of the Famille.
  • Fam_Libellés_3: Label 3 of the Famille.
  • Fam_Libellés_4: Label 4 of the Famille.
  • photo1_base64: Base64 encoded photo of the Famille.
  • Web_Order: Web order of the Famille.


The response is a JSON object containing the following fields:

    "success": true or false,
    "message": "Description of the response"

Error Handling

If an error occurs, the response will contain the following fields:

    "success": false,
    "message": "Error description"

Example Request

GET /fam2/update/?id=123&Famille_Nom=FamilleName&Fam_Libellés=Label1&Fam_Libellés_2=Label2&Fam_Libellés_3=Label3&Fam_Libellés_4=Label4&photo1_base64=base64photo&Web_Order=1

Example Response

    "success": true,
    "message": "Updated successfully"